Work Comp Basics

Businesses need workers compensation.  It is often the largest expense for the business so this is something that business owners should pay close attention to. Let’s start with the purpose of work comp insurance.   Why Do We Need Workers Compensation…

Home Insurance Escrow 101

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How does the escrow work? This comes up fairly often when new home buyers are buying home insurance for the first time.  Escrow is defined “as a legal arrangement in which a third party temporarily holds money or property until…

What Happens When an Employee Is Injured At Work?

When an employee get injured at work is what Work Comp is for. This is why Minnesota businesses are required to carry work comp insurance.  Work Comp has two primary functions. To pay for employee medical bills and compensate them if…

What Happens If I Hit a Deer? 

This is the time of year that we see a lot of deer accidents. Deer tend to be much more active during this time of year.  The financial cost on Car Insurance industry is over $1 Billion a year according…

Progressive Insurance Review 2022

Progressive Insurance has been a company on the rise for the last 7-10 years.  They have maintained a competitive, wide ranging auto insurance product.  They have attempted to add a home insurance product, added a Business General Liability package division…

Minnesota Business Insurance

Business Insurance is something that most small business owners have to learn as a part of being a business owner. Often times, the initial business insurance plan is not the best insurance plan that they could have. It is often…

Yes, Bundle Your Car & Home Insurance

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Car Insurance and home insurance markets are changing very quickly. You will see some increases in your car and home insurance bills when your insurance policy renews. Insurance companies are having a difficult time rating car and home insurance appropriately…

3 Business Insurance Policies That You Need

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General Liability Insurance Much like car and home insurance, you need to have liability insurance coverage should your business cause damage to someone or something.  Even if you have an office insurance risk.  If someone hurts themselves in your office,…

DUI & Insurance

What happens to your insurance if you receive a DUI?  There are a number of things that could happen to your car insurance if you receive a DUI.  Your rates will go up drastically.  You may be canceled from your…

Workers Compensation Deductible Plan

Car Insurance and home insurance deductibles are very common. Most Workers Compensation policyholders are not aware that there is a deductible option for Work Comp insurance. The Insurance Deductible is the amount that you pay first before the insurance company…

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