Changes In Home Insurance

There are common changes in today’s home insurance market. These changes are all centered around reducing coverage to the exterior of your home and raising deductibles. Home Insurance companies are trying to limit their exposure, which means the insurance company…

Why Is My Car Insurance So Expensive?

Insurance companies use a variety of rating factors. Every Insurance Company rates a little differently. Anybody that has compared insurance rates with their neighbors, friends or family has noticed car insurance rating can be quite different.  You are not going…

Best Home Insurance 2021

Working with 10+ Insurance Companies, we are able to see changes each company makes year after year. There are changes to rates and coverage almost every year.  This year, in my opinion, the best insurance company when it comes to…

Three Small Business Coverages You Must Have

General Liability Insurance General Liability protects you against an injury at your place of business or your jobsite for damage that you or one of your employees may be responsible for while at work. Whether you are a Medical Office…

Umbrella Liability Insurance

You may have heard of this type of insurance policy. If you haven’t, it is additional liability insurance above and beyond your car insurance and home insurance liability. It may just be very important to your bottom line. This insurance…

When Do I Add My Teen Driver To Car Insurance

The answer is when they receive their drivers license. Many parents want to add their new driver when they obtain their permit, but we cannot technically list the young driver to the policy until they pass their driver license exam.…

Minnesota Flood Insurance

Did you know that Flood Insurance is not covered by your home insurance. Flood insurance is specifically excluded from your home insurance, actually. If you are in need of Flood Insurance, you will have to take out separate insurance policy.…

Minnesota No Fault Insurance

If you are in a car accident, get injured and the other person is at fault in that accident, you would think that this person would have to pay for your injuries. Not in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota car…

Hail Damage

homeowners insurance

Ever wonder why your Homeowners Insurance has increased so drastically in the last 5 years. One main culprit; HAIL. Hail is a vulgar four letter word in the insurance industry. In the state of Minnesota, Hail is the reason our…

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