What Happens if My Dog Bites Someone?

This is the question that we get when little scruffy bites someone. You could be sued or they may simply file a liability claim under your home insurance.  Either way, you are responsible if your dog bites someone. Your home insurance…

What is an Independent Insurance Agent?

Why do you hear some insurance agents say that they are Independent Insurance Agents.  You never here an Allstate, Farmers, State Farm Agent say that they are a Captive Agent.  A Captive Agent just means that the insurance agent works…

Minnesota Home Insurance

Minnesota ranks as the 4th worst state for homeowners insurance, according to Bankrate.com. The variety of weather related storms that we see in all seasons is the main determining factor. In 2021 the average home insurance cost of home insurance…

Why Are Car Insurance Rates Going Up?

If you have received your recent car insurance bill, you may have noticed that your car insurance has increased. Every insurance company is raising rates or already have raised their car insurance rates.   Why? Believe it or not, many car insurance…

My Work Comp Audit

If you have Workers Compensation Insurance, you are likely familiar with a Work Comp Audit.  A Workers Compensation Audit will verify a company’s payroll and business operation to make sure they are charging the correct amount of insurance premium.   Workers…

Best Home Insurance 2022

Minnesota Home Insurance Policies change every year.  Both pricing and policy coverage are reviewed every year by Insurance companies. This means that from an insurance coverage and pricing perspective the best insurance companies their policy coverage and pricing every year. Minnesota…

Cyber Insurance 101

Cyber Insurance provides financial relief from the costs associated with hack attacks, data breaches and system failures.  There are over 1000 Cyber attacks reported to the FBI a day.  Every business has a cyber exposure. A ransomware attack and wire…

3 Reasons to Review your Insurance Every Year

person in office on zoom

Insure Your Property Car Insurance Changes & Home Insurance Changes It’s possible the insurance companies car insurance or home insurance policy coverage has changed.  This is going on right now with our insurance companies. Specifically with home insurance.  Insurance companies are…

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