Minnesota Home Insurance Rates Increasing

Why Are My Home Insurance Increasing? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Home insurance policies, much like car insurance policies are increasing in 2022. The simple explanation is that Material and Labor Costs have greatly increased. Builders are…

4 Most Common Home Insurance Claims

Just like we as people can be fragile and brittle in the bitter cold winter months of Minnesota.  So can our homes. Things break easily in the cold winter weather.   Here are the 4 most common home insurance claims…

You Need An Insurance Professional

There are many Tech companies trying to enter the Car Insurance and Home Insurance space across the country.  InsureTech is a new age of insurance company using only technology for a more Amazon like experience.  Who doesn’t love Amazon? I…

10 Most Expensive Cars to Insure

People want to have nice things. Cars are no exception to this. Many people like to have a fancy or luxurious car. Well, unfortunately these cars can also have the most expensive car insurance rates. An Insurance Company determines car…

Car Insurance Rates Are Increasing

Some might say, well, what’s new? But this time is a little different. The fact is, Car Insurance Companies are always tweaking their insurance rates. Always. Some might say they overthink it. It’s me, I say they overthink it. But…

Car Insurance: Full Coverage vs. Liability 

When you are purchasing a car or taking out car insurance on a used vehicle, you are likely to be asked this question; do you want full coverage or liability insurance on that?  This post should clarify the difference between…

Mortgage Insurance: What is it?

Anyone who has taken out a home loan and has not put a down payment of 20% is subject to Mortgage Insurance. This is commonly referred to as PMI or Private Mortgage Insurance.  Mortgage Insurance protects the lender and not…

Home Insurance 101

There are many coverage parts included with your Minnesota Home Insurance policy. To make it as simple as possible, I will use 3 of the primary coverage types on your Homeowners Policy. Home Replacement Coverage The first coverage limit that…

Why Is My Home Insurance is Less Than My Home Value

We get this question a lot from New Home Buyers purchasing home insurance for the first time because the purchase of their home may be higher than the Dwelling Coverage on their home insurance policy. Lenders want you to carry…

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