DUI & Insurance

What happens to your insurance if you receive a DUI?  There are a number of things that could happen to your car insurance if you receive a DUI.  Your rates will go up drastically.  You may be canceled from your insurance company.  

Many car insurance companies do not insure a DUI risk.  If this is the case, you can expect them to cancel your car insurance at your next renewal.  In the state of Minnesota, you may be required to carry what’s called a financial filing.  This is often referred to as an SR-22.  If this is the case, you may will have to pay extra for this filing.  This filing means that your insurance information is sent to the state for them to record your insurance in their database. It is a way for them to verify that you are fulfilling your car insurance requirement. If you were to cancel your auto insurance the state of Minnesota would be notified and you would be in violation of your license reinstatement agreement and you license may be suspended again. Your current car insurance company may not offer this type of filing, so you will have to purchase your car insurance elsewhere.  Our insurance agency does offer this filing.

Where can you go for DUI Car Insurance?

You get a DUI, what do you do for your insurance? If your current insurance company does not cover someone with a DUI, you will have to call another insurance company or insurance agent and ask for a car insurance policy with an SR 22. Again, our insurance agency would be happy to do this for you. If you would like a car insurance quote, you can get started by filling out this car insurance quote form. Car Insurance Quote Form (jotform.com) Once you have a new policy with the SR-22, you will be eligible from the insurance side of things to get your license reinstated.

It is possible that you will need something call ignition interlock. Ignition interlock is a breathalizer installed in your car that forces you to take a breath test before you start your car. There are many cases where you are required to carry this with a DUI for a certain time period.

What do I need to Reinstate My License?

To get your license reinstated, you will need to get the proof of the ignition interlock, if required and the SR-22 to the Minnesota DMV.   Once received, they will reinstate your driver license, if all other fines paid and requirements are met, they will reinstate your insurance.

How does my DUI Affect My Car Insurance?

How does this DUI impact your insurance going forward? This major violation will be on your insurance record for 5 years. It will cost you more with insurance premiums for 3 years. You will still be ineligible for preferred rating car insurance for 5 years. I have found that Progressive Insurance is the best place for DUI Insurance. Their rate is not nearly as penalizing as most other insurance companies. If most other rating factors are good, the car insurance with Progressive is not too bad.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Ameriguard Insurance Agency is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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