Minnesota No Fault Insurance

If you are in a car accident, get injured and the other person is at fault in that accident, you would think that this person would have to pay for your injuries. Not in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota car insurance has a no fault medical coverage called PIP coverage or Personal Injury Protection coverage. Under this car insurance limit, at least the first $20,000 of medical bills are paid under your own policy regardless of who is at fault.

Is Minnesota a No Fault State?

This is a very common misconception about the insurance in this state is that we are a no fault state. You can absolutely be assigned fault for a car accident and be held liable for an accident. If you are at fault in a car accident you may be responsible for someone’s additional medical damages above $20,000 as well as responsible for someone’s lost wages as the result of this accident. You can also be responsible to repair or replace someone’s damaged property.   

Personal Injury Protection

Back to the no fault medical coverage. Anything that happens in or around your vehicle can be covered by PIP. I had an insured slam his hand in his car door and had his hand surgery and rehab work covered by PIP coverage. You can be rear ended by someone else where they are 100% at fault. They will be responsible to pay for the repair of your car, but not the first $20,000 of your medical bills.

This is one of the reasons that our insurance is more expensive in this state compared to other states. There are also advantages such as there are not disputes over injuries. And you won’t have to argue with your health insurance company over what is and is not covered.

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